Diabetes Mellitus which more commonly is known by everyone simply as Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar. Diabetes can occur when either the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.
What To Watch For
There are some common symptoms in which to watch for if you think that you may be inflicted with Diabetes. The first symptom to be aware of with Diabetes Mellitus is Polyuria (Frequent Urination). It is a symptom and not a direct indication that you have Diabetes Mellitus. In fact it is quite common to have Polyuria is you have a intake of foods and beverages that are high in caffeine such as Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, Hot Spicy Foods, Juices High In Acids, Alcaholic Beverages, and Protein Shakes.
Another common symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polydipsia (Increased Thirst) which also plays hand in hand with Polyuria. Please remember again that Polydipsia much like Polyuria is only a possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus and is not the disease itself.
The third known and possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polyphagia (Increased Hunger). I wish that I could claim this as my reason for eating too many delicious foods growing up, but simply put I do not suffer from Polyphagia I simply just enjoying eating. None the less some people do suffer from this symptom and if it may be a cause for concern then it is time to possibly make an appointment with your family Doctor.
The information I am providing here comes from information that can quite easily be found online the internet. Searches on Google and Wikipedia will allow anyone to read further in to the symptoms and signs of Diabetes Mellitus. It would be recommended though that if you are unsure of any of the information or want to get examined to see if you do suffer from Diabetes Mellitus then please visit your family Doctor for further information.
Types Of Diabetes
There are actually three major types of Diabetes Mellitus that you should be aware of.
Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 Diabetes results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometime combined with an absolute insulin deficiency.
Gestational Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes occurs when pregnant women who have never had Diabetes Mellitus before have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede Type 2 Diabetes.
What Can I Do?
If you have Diabetes Mellitus or think that you may have the disease then there are many products that you may be interested in taking a look at. I highly recommend having a look at ADW to browse a variety of different products that are available. Some particular products that you may find of interest include:
Bayer / Ascensia Breeze 2 Meter Kit Includes:
Ascensia Breeze 2 Blood Glucose Meter
Quick Reference Guide
User Guide
Ascensia Microlet adjustable lancing device with 5 lancets
Ascensia Clinilog Record Diary
Carrying case
Warranty Card
One Touch Ultra 100 Test Strips - 100ct
Are looking for One Touch Ultra Test Strips? Buy two boxes of 50 strips each (total 100 glucose test strips) and save money!
One Touch Ultra Blue Blood Glucose Test Strips are intended for use with OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch UltraSmart, OneTouch Ultra Mini and One Touch InDuo Blood Glucose Meters.
This Combo contains:
2 Boxes of One Touch Ultra Test Strips (100 test strips total)
Easy to Use:
The One Touch Ultra Blue glucose test strips were designed to make it easy to see when there is enough blood for an accurate reading.
Small Sample Size:
These One Touch diabetes test strips require only a small blood sample, meaning less pain when testing your glucose level.
Alternate Site Testing:
To help reduce the pain of repetitive testing on the same area, you may be able to test blood glucose levels on your forearm. This is called alternative site testing and should be cleared through your health care professional first.
Just touch the end of the One Touch Ultra Blue test strip to the blood sample; the strip will automatically draw the right amount of blood needed for an accurate reading.
5 Second Test Results:
Within 5 seconds, you will have an easy to read blood glucose test result.
These are just a couple of the many products that can be found over at ADW. The site also has much to offer in the ways of foods, books, test equipment, and everything you may need to avoid or reduce Diabetes Mellitus.
Now as with most diseases that are common in people these days Diabetes Mellitus to some degree or completely can be reduced or removed by eating the right foods, drinking the right beverages, or living a completely healthy lifestyle. It might seem silly but something as easy as the correct diet can keep a disease like Diabetes Mellitus out of your system. Mitch who is a good friend of mine runs a website called Exploring Infinity in which you will be able to find all sorts of information regarding healthy diets and healthy living. In fact one section of interest to those who may be living with or worried about getting Diabetes Mellitus is the article that Mitch did regarding his 30 Day raw Food Diet Final Report. Mitch actually took a 30 day trial of a Raw Food/Vegan Cuisine Diet. This diet if done correctly is starting to become vastly known for it’s ability to flush toxins from your body and get you on the right track for eliminating possible diseases. It would never be easy to do a full change to this type of cuisine, so it may be of interest for you to try a 30 day trial like Mitch has and see if it is something that works for you. It can then help to implement a better awareness of the foods you eat and their effects on your body.
In Conclusion
Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease that should be taken lightly at all, although Diabetes Mellitus is treatable it should never be overlooked. If you currently find yourself suffering from someone of the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus then I would highly recommend speaking to a health care proefessional to get all the answers that you seek.
I am not an expert on the subject and it is merely a point of interest for me, hence the blog about Diabetes Mellitus. If I had every answer to every question on every topic I would be more then just a simple everyday Internet Blogger, but I do my absolute best to bring awareness to the topics and subject that effect my everyday life just like they may effect yours. In response to all the wonderful things I do always remember to shout out the classic phrase “Good Job Rob!”

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