Good Job Rob!
Rob Munson also known as the M Dot Movie Man has created his latest website Good Job Rob. The website follows topics of interest and everday occurances that are involved in the life of the author Rob Munson. There will continue to be reviews and news from the entertainment world but will now also include reviews and stories of many other subjects including health, movies, technology, world news, and more.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Fitness In Times Of Fast Food, Fast Cars, and Fast Paced Living
Fitness In Times Of Fast Food, Fast Cars, abd Fact Paced Living
Have you wondered to yourself why it is that in this day and age everything and everyone is in such a hurry to get through life? Everything these days seem as though it has to be fast, from the foods we eat, to the cars we drive, as human beings we no longer take the time to slow things down a little and just enjoy this little thing called life.
Anyone who knows me knows that I myself am not exactly in the best shape ever, but that does not mean that I am not aware of my mistakes and what I need to do in order to change things around. There are plebty of diets out there that claim they have the get slim quick answer for you and in all honesty the vast majority are nothing more then simple scams out to collect money from you.
Why Not Live It Raw?
You may not have heard of the raw food diet yet, and in fact without proper information regarding the diet itself you may find it to be a little bit extreme or think that it is entirely impossible to go about taking it in. Never sell your abilities short as that is the main factor in what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals. Like my good friend Mitch of the website Exploring Infinity found out is that if you set small goals for yourself then you will be able to accomplish much larger goals over a period of time.
Mitch himself decided to go on the Raw Food Diet for 30 days, you can read the results of his 3o day trial here. The raw food diet when done properly and correctly appears to give your body a proper detoxification, helps with weight loss, and has now been said to be capable of helping to minimalize or eliminate particular diseases in human beings. A 30 day trial of this would not be hard to accomplish, and at the end of it all you will likely find yourself more catious about the types of foods you eat on a regular basis.
Keeping Fit
Dieting is not the only thing that you need to do in order to keep your body fit these days. It is generally recommended to have at least 30 minutes of exercise each and every day in order to maintain a sustainable weight. If you want to start to lose the weight through exercise and also increase your muslce mass then you need to look at some various ways to go about exercising.
I personally am going to be starting up a new season of Soccer shortly and so I have a very small amount of time to get myself fit for the new season. Soccer is a game that requires incredible cardio vascular in order to properly compete. Soccer is an extremely fast pased game with little to no breaks for the players involved. I have been reading lots about proper ways to eat healthy and train for Soccer itself. One way to increase cardio vascular for the purpose of Soccer training is to do a lot of properly running, this can include short distance high paced running, it can involve jogging, and also another way to burn fat and get prepared for a sport like Soccer is to do running up and down escalated areas. It is fortunate enough for me that my girlfriend Shaunna and I live in an area that has a lot of hills behind us, so the two of us we will be to spend some time running and jogging out there before the snow starts to fall.
Whether it is Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, or any sport that you might take part in then you are going to want to ensure that you eat the proper foods and allow The more fit you become, then the more relaxed and mentally focused you will become. Just take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if the person you are looking at is the absolute best that you possibly want to be, if the answer is no then you need to begin to evalute what you need to do in order to get yourself to be your absolute best.
My Life Is Too Busy
The ultimate excuse that people use these days in order to explain why they have let themselves go a little, or if they are having some health issues. The fact of the matter is that if you were to look at the time it takes to do the different tasks that you do in a given day then I bet you truly could find the time for physical activity and healthy eating. If you are finding that you eat a lot of Fast Food due to a busy work schedule then maybe you need to take 15 minutes before you go to bed to prepare your breakfast and lunch for the next morning. It comes down to what is known as micromanagement, take control of your own life and start to achieve the things that you have put off for so many years.
It will he a hard road, but a challenge is something that will keep you heavily motivated, good spirited, and also mentally and physically stable in your life. You do not need me to be telling you these things as you should probably already know all of this, still though if when you do accomplish your goals and you look back in the mirror at yourself I just hope that you look and utter the words "Good Job Rob!
Have you wondered to yourself why it is that in this day and age everything and everyone is in such a hurry to get through life? Everything these days seem as though it has to be fast, from the foods we eat, to the cars we drive, as human beings we no longer take the time to slow things down a little and just enjoy this little thing called life.
Anyone who knows me knows that I myself am not exactly in the best shape ever, but that does not mean that I am not aware of my mistakes and what I need to do in order to change things around. There are plebty of diets out there that claim they have the get slim quick answer for you and in all honesty the vast majority are nothing more then simple scams out to collect money from you.
Why Not Live It Raw?
You may not have heard of the raw food diet yet, and in fact without proper information regarding the diet itself you may find it to be a little bit extreme or think that it is entirely impossible to go about taking it in. Never sell your abilities short as that is the main factor in what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals. Like my good friend Mitch of the website Exploring Infinity found out is that if you set small goals for yourself then you will be able to accomplish much larger goals over a period of time.
Mitch himself decided to go on the Raw Food Diet for 30 days, you can read the results of his 3o day trial here. The raw food diet when done properly and correctly appears to give your body a proper detoxification, helps with weight loss, and has now been said to be capable of helping to minimalize or eliminate particular diseases in human beings. A 30 day trial of this would not be hard to accomplish, and at the end of it all you will likely find yourself more catious about the types of foods you eat on a regular basis.
Keeping Fit
Dieting is not the only thing that you need to do in order to keep your body fit these days. It is generally recommended to have at least 30 minutes of exercise each and every day in order to maintain a sustainable weight. If you want to start to lose the weight through exercise and also increase your muslce mass then you need to look at some various ways to go about exercising.
I personally am going to be starting up a new season of Soccer shortly and so I have a very small amount of time to get myself fit for the new season. Soccer is a game that requires incredible cardio vascular in order to properly compete. Soccer is an extremely fast pased game with little to no breaks for the players involved. I have been reading lots about proper ways to eat healthy and train for Soccer itself. One way to increase cardio vascular for the purpose of Soccer training is to do a lot of properly running, this can include short distance high paced running, it can involve jogging, and also another way to burn fat and get prepared for a sport like Soccer is to do running up and down escalated areas. It is fortunate enough for me that my girlfriend Shaunna and I live in an area that has a lot of hills behind us, so the two of us we will be to spend some time running and jogging out there before the snow starts to fall.
Whether it is Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, or any sport that you might take part in then you are going to want to ensure that you eat the proper foods and allow The more fit you become, then the more relaxed and mentally focused you will become. Just take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if the person you are looking at is the absolute best that you possibly want to be, if the answer is no then you need to begin to evalute what you need to do in order to get yourself to be your absolute best.

My Life Is Too Busy
The ultimate excuse that people use these days in order to explain why they have let themselves go a little, or if they are having some health issues. The fact of the matter is that if you were to look at the time it takes to do the different tasks that you do in a given day then I bet you truly could find the time for physical activity and healthy eating. If you are finding that you eat a lot of Fast Food due to a busy work schedule then maybe you need to take 15 minutes before you go to bed to prepare your breakfast and lunch for the next morning. It comes down to what is known as micromanagement, take control of your own life and start to achieve the things that you have put off for so many years.
It will he a hard road, but a challenge is something that will keep you heavily motivated, good spirited, and also mentally and physically stable in your life. You do not need me to be telling you these things as you should probably already know all of this, still though if when you do accomplish your goals and you look back in the mirror at yourself I just hope that you look and utter the words "Good Job Rob!

I-Tunes You In To Apples Social Network PING!
I-Tunes You In To Social Networking With PING!
Apple has launched their latest I-Tunes software, and along with the new I-Tunes software comes the first ever Social Network from Apple. The Network will integrate directly with the latest version of I-Tunes. The new Social network from Apple will be known as Ping. Ping will allow users to build a network of friends and musicians much like the methods used by Social networking site Twitter. Ping will allow users to build playlists based upon what their friends are currently listening to. The Ping service will be accessible to users of both Mac Computers and PC’s as well as on the I-Tunes application for the I-Phone and the I-Pod Touch.

There is no I in My Space
My Space was one of the original music based Social Networks to make it big Worldwide. My Space in fact prior to the popularity of Facebook had an amazing grasp on the Social networking market. My Space however has managed to dwindle in popularity over the years and now they will face some extremely difficult competition from Ping. Apple are never going to be an easy company to come in to competition with, so for companies like My Space they may need to evaluate what their future holds when pitted up against Ping.
Apple has become the popular wave of the future and this will make survival for many Social Networking sites slim. It will be interesting to see if My Space, Facebook, Twitter, etc will in fact have a hard time going up against Ping as it begins to gain in popularity. If marketed correctly Ping could quite comfortably insert them selves in the Social networking market and begin to weed out some of the current big names.
Room for One More
The question that anybody should ask before launching a Social Network site is if there is room in the flooded market place for another Social Network website. Ping however happens to land itself in a good position, when backed by Apple and packaged along with the I-Tunes software it is going to be hard for users to ignore Ping. The more time Ping has to develop itself and to offer up a combination of what all the other sites have to offer, then they very well could manage to demolish some of the current competition. This could also be a perfect opportunity for Apple to develop and discover new musical artists. If artists are able to have their own Social Network site attached to their I-Tunes then they will be able to easily market their music to a large audience. The independent music scene will strive from this, and then artists who are choosing to release their music online will in fact be able to sell their music to large amount of users that will turn their attention to Ping.
The benefits here both to the end user and to artists everywhere is that Ping will allow them to condense all their Social Networking tools in to one specific Social networking tool. There is great potential here to have Ping using the same features as Facebook, Twitter, and My Space all in one. This combined with the idea of making playlists, sharing with friends, and even sharing your favorite artists and playlists is going to be amazing.
Apple TV And Beyond
If you think Ping sounds like a great idea then you should be warned that early reviews have not exactly been favorable to the new Social Networking site. That being said the software is new and will take some time to develop much like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace all did.
If you have yet to hear about Apple TV then you might want to investigate and take a keen interest in it. Apple TV is the first step in the right direction for television and movies. Apple TV is a device that connects to your television and currently allows users to purchase and stream movies and shows on their television.
Apple TV however is taking things a few steps further as well. Apple TV is now going to allow users to rent TV shows and movies in HD now. The movies and shows will stream from your I-Tunes list on your computers and will also soon be able to wirelessly sync itself with your I-Pod, I-Pad, or I-Phone so that you can watch your movies or shows while you are away from your home.
This might sound too good to be true, but in reality this technology is nothing new, in fact Apple TV has been around since 2007 but it has yet to truly catch on. The more that people find that they do not want to go to the video store, or out to the movies may find themselves truly enjoying the new features and capabilities that will be coming along with Apple TV. This will also start to eliminate all those horrible brain washing commercials that you see when you subscribe to your regular television channels.
I know that technology can be scary for some, but I think once you have all had a chance to sit down and play with these products then you will start to appreciate just truly how amazing they can be. I wish I would have been able to come up with some of these products so that instead of blogging about them I would be presenting them to the world and then they would all look at me and say “Good Job Rob!”
Apple has launched their latest I-Tunes software, and along with the new I-Tunes software comes the first ever Social Network from Apple. The Network will integrate directly with the latest version of I-Tunes. The new Social network from Apple will be known as Ping. Ping will allow users to build a network of friends and musicians much like the methods used by Social networking site Twitter. Ping will allow users to build playlists based upon what their friends are currently listening to. The Ping service will be accessible to users of both Mac Computers and PC’s as well as on the I-Tunes application for the I-Phone and the I-Pod Touch.

There is no I in My Space
My Space was one of the original music based Social Networks to make it big Worldwide. My Space in fact prior to the popularity of Facebook had an amazing grasp on the Social networking market. My Space however has managed to dwindle in popularity over the years and now they will face some extremely difficult competition from Ping. Apple are never going to be an easy company to come in to competition with, so for companies like My Space they may need to evaluate what their future holds when pitted up against Ping.
Apple has become the popular wave of the future and this will make survival for many Social Networking sites slim. It will be interesting to see if My Space, Facebook, Twitter, etc will in fact have a hard time going up against Ping as it begins to gain in popularity. If marketed correctly Ping could quite comfortably insert them selves in the Social networking market and begin to weed out some of the current big names.
Room for One More
The question that anybody should ask before launching a Social Network site is if there is room in the flooded market place for another Social Network website. Ping however happens to land itself in a good position, when backed by Apple and packaged along with the I-Tunes software it is going to be hard for users to ignore Ping. The more time Ping has to develop itself and to offer up a combination of what all the other sites have to offer, then they very well could manage to demolish some of the current competition. This could also be a perfect opportunity for Apple to develop and discover new musical artists. If artists are able to have their own Social Network site attached to their I-Tunes then they will be able to easily market their music to a large audience. The independent music scene will strive from this, and then artists who are choosing to release their music online will in fact be able to sell their music to large amount of users that will turn their attention to Ping.
The benefits here both to the end user and to artists everywhere is that Ping will allow them to condense all their Social Networking tools in to one specific Social networking tool. There is great potential here to have Ping using the same features as Facebook, Twitter, and My Space all in one. This combined with the idea of making playlists, sharing with friends, and even sharing your favorite artists and playlists is going to be amazing.
Apple TV And Beyond
If you think Ping sounds like a great idea then you should be warned that early reviews have not exactly been favorable to the new Social Networking site. That being said the software is new and will take some time to develop much like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace all did.
If you have yet to hear about Apple TV then you might want to investigate and take a keen interest in it. Apple TV is the first step in the right direction for television and movies. Apple TV is a device that connects to your television and currently allows users to purchase and stream movies and shows on their television.
Apple TV however is taking things a few steps further as well. Apple TV is now going to allow users to rent TV shows and movies in HD now. The movies and shows will stream from your I-Tunes list on your computers and will also soon be able to wirelessly sync itself with your I-Pod, I-Pad, or I-Phone so that you can watch your movies or shows while you are away from your home.
This might sound too good to be true, but in reality this technology is nothing new, in fact Apple TV has been around since 2007 but it has yet to truly catch on. The more that people find that they do not want to go to the video store, or out to the movies may find themselves truly enjoying the new features and capabilities that will be coming along with Apple TV. This will also start to eliminate all those horrible brain washing commercials that you see when you subscribe to your regular television channels.
I know that technology can be scary for some, but I think once you have all had a chance to sit down and play with these products then you will start to appreciate just truly how amazing they can be. I wish I would have been able to come up with some of these products so that instead of blogging about them I would be presenting them to the world and then they would all look at me and say “Good Job Rob!”

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Not So Hot Top Ten of 2010
The Not So Hot Top Ten Of 2010
The summer is officially over and so the summer of 2010 movie numbers are finally in. While the Summer movie offering was way under par from what we have come to expect in recent years, we still recording one of the largest money making Summer’s when it comes to movies in 2010. There are plenty of reasons why this was able to occur and yet it occurred for all the wrong reasons. It was 3D movies that seemingly resurrected the summer movies from a horrible and painful death all together. It seems that flash and loud noises still seemingly win 9 times out of 10 over movies with an interesting story or substance. That being said a few movies that made this years top ten were very notable and worth the money spent on them. However the dismal results were a result of lazy filmmakers trying to do what they can to cash in on fads, rather then take a chance on interesting story lines.
Why Did This Fail?
There were movies that came out this summer that managed to fail when it came to money making at the box office. Most notably would have to be the Michael Cera movie “Scott Pilgram vs The World”. The movie had a unique and interesting premise, plus the movie itself was by far one of the more unique movies that have been released in 2010. Why exactly did the movie fail, well first of all the movie aims to please comic books fans and movie geeks like myself more then it attempts to serve as a mainstream movie. When you market a movie to a core audience then chances are you are likely to flop a little. I would not say like others that Michael Cera is not capable of opening a major summer blockbuster; I would say it was just not the right movie for the general public. The general public were more concerned with watching Stallone still attempt to become an actor.
There were also some indie films which hardly saw too much attention at all. I have yet to see some of them but I took the time the other day to watch the Ben Stiller movie “Greenburg”. Ben Stiller to this date is one actor that I almost can not stand to watch any movie that he is a part of. With that being said I actually really enjoyed watching “Greenburg”. In fact the role portrayed by Stiller in this movie reminded me that once and a while actors like Stiller can surprise and pick up a worth while role for themselves. Stiller in Greenburg reminded me a lot of when Adam Sandler took on roles in movies such as “Punch Drunk Love” and “Spanglish”. That being said movies with any form of substance never seem to hold their head above water in a market crowded by simple minded movies.
A Rundown Of What Made Money In 2010
Well you are likely wondering to yourself which movies did land some large numbers and you may also wonder if you have not already seen them if they are worth your time and money to see them when they make their way to DVD and Blu-Ray. This list here is as follows:
10. Salt $113.3 Million – The movie stars Angelina Jolie and managed to garner some mixed reviews from critics and movie fans alike. I have heard some great things and also been told some bad things about this particular movie. I have not yet taken the time to watch this movie and I would have to admit that it is not on my list of movies that I am dying to see. I will take the time to watch this one in time, but as of yet I am unable to report on whether or not this is worth the time.
9.The Last Airbender $130.6 Million – The latest from director M. Night Shymalan was reviewed as one of the worst movies of 2010 summer season. I have enjoyed and defended the directing ability of M. Night Shymalan now for years, but yet I stayed clear of this movie simply because the reviews kept me from spending the excess amount on this particular movie. I will get around to seeing this eventually, but for what it is worth I have been told this is not a movie that is worth your time to even bother with.
8.Grown Ups $159.4 Million – Adam Sandler made his return to the comedy big screen this summer with a movie that contained absolutely no laughs at all. In fact the only thing that was remotely funny about Grown Ups was that someone green lighted what will go down in my humble opinion as one of the worst comedies I have ever had to suffer through. The talent in this movie you would think could draw at least a laugh or two, and yet I found myself disgusted and frustrated as I watched this movie. Sandler needs to have someone tell him that tasteless jokes and slapstick comedy do not always make for a good movie.
7.The Karate Kid $175.9 Million – As the remake fad continues in Hollywood we found ourselves positioned with having to accept Will Smith’s very annoying son as the lead role in a movie that I truly do not understand the purpose for remaking. The original Karate Kid was fun, comical, and worth the time. The new Karate Kid while not nearly as bad as I would have expected still did not manage to do anything to make me really enjoy it. I will give many props to Jackie Chan for his role in the movie which is what I feel saved this particular movie from total and utter failure. I want for Will and Jada Smith to tell young Jayden that acting like a 10 year old version of your fathers Fresh Prince character will not make audiences enjoy your acting ability at all.
6.Despicable Me $236.3 Million – Well here is a movie that I wish I could say that I got around to seeing as I have heard so many great things about it. This movie not only managed to get some fantastic critical acclaim, but again it proved that well thought out cartoons tend to be more entertaining then the majority of live action movies that crawl their way to the big screen these days. Despicable Me will be at the top of my list of movies yet to see this year.
5.Shrek Forever After $238.1 Million – Now here is the perfect example of when and how cartoon movies do not work. Shrek Forever After is by far the worst of the Shrek movies, and that is a sad title to hold seen as past the first Shrek movie they really did not have a leg to stand on. When will Mike Myers learn that people eventually will get sick of your boring repeat characters. Yes Mike you can be a funny man, but now e do not need anymore Shrek movies, or Austin Powers movies, or Wayne’s World movies, or well I hope to god that he never makes a follow up to the Love Guru. Mike Myers it is time to find yourself an all new role to take on and quick. Shrek Forever After plumits what was once a unique film into the realm of “WHAT WERE THEY THINKING”
4.Inception $270.5 Million – It goes without saying that when you mix Christopher Nolan and say anyone with acting talent then you are bound for greatness. Inception was in my opinion the best movie of the summer and at this point is the best movie of 2010. Leonardo Dicaprio is a lead man that draws a crowd, and well simply put he is worth the money spent. Leo has come a long way since his debut on the big screen, but he continues to deliver magnificent roles that we continue to love to watch. Inception was brilliant on so many levels and if you still are having trouble figuring out what was going on in the movie then please refer to another post of mine Christopher Nolan Think Therefor He Is…Brilliant! which I had posted over at Rankography Movies.
3.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse $298.0 Million – Sadly enough I have seen all the movies in this series. My girlfriend Shaunna enjoys watching these movies and so together we have seen all three of them. While the third installment of this horrible series was probably the best of the three, it really does not say too much. The Twilight series is about as interesting as slow drying paint on the walls. The acting is terrible, the directing is equally as bad, and the scripts well I almost wonder if they actually had scripts or whether they just allowed these actors to ramble on their psycho-babble. Eclipse does not deserve to have ever made its way in to a top ten list of any sorts, unless it is the top ten list of movie sequels that are bad and yet still outshine the other dribble in their series of movies. The Twilight Saga needs to be introduced to Garlic, Holy Water, and a Stake To The Heart so that we can finally put this melodramatic teen franchise of glittery Vampire to rest once and for all.
2.Iron Man 2 $312.1 Million – A movie that was not quite as good as the original but yet managed to keep itself just interesting enough to hold its own. I was impressed by the direction of the movie which chose once again not to go down the same road as many Superhero sequels and make an attempt to contain more story then what would be expected from a movie such as this. Iron Man 2 also held its own with a cast that makes it worth the while, plus Robert Downey Jr. is pretty much box office gold at the moment.
1.Toy Story 3 $405.7 Million – If it were not for Inception I would consider Toy Story 3 to be the best movie of 2010 so far. The third installment of the series from Pixar Animation was a strong entry and amazed audiences worldwide. The team at Pixar should be proud of their continued ability to produce superior movies. It is not often that a film company does everything right for this many years. Hopefully the trend of originality and unique movie making continues for Pixar over the year.
The Future of Movies In 2010
Now that the summer is officially over it is time to start looking to the dramatic and Oscar worth movies to start making their way to the big screen soon. Hopefully for the sake of movie geeks like myself the best of 2010 is yet to come. This time last year I could name you a list of ten movies from 2009 that I enjoyed and would recommend, this year I am having trouble even outing together a top 5 list.
It will be a year to forget when it comes to movies unless something comes along soon to save us from this horrible dry spell. I am anxiously awaiting the fall/winter season to see if we can still yet get a list of movies that is worth our time and money.
In a movie season that was dry and boring I could only imagine that even a documentary about my mindless rants would come across as a more award winning feature this year. Ladies and gentlemen then Academy goes to “Good Job Rob!”
The summer is officially over and so the summer of 2010 movie numbers are finally in. While the Summer movie offering was way under par from what we have come to expect in recent years, we still recording one of the largest money making Summer’s when it comes to movies in 2010. There are plenty of reasons why this was able to occur and yet it occurred for all the wrong reasons. It was 3D movies that seemingly resurrected the summer movies from a horrible and painful death all together. It seems that flash and loud noises still seemingly win 9 times out of 10 over movies with an interesting story or substance. That being said a few movies that made this years top ten were very notable and worth the money spent on them. However the dismal results were a result of lazy filmmakers trying to do what they can to cash in on fads, rather then take a chance on interesting story lines.
Why Did This Fail?
There were movies that came out this summer that managed to fail when it came to money making at the box office. Most notably would have to be the Michael Cera movie “Scott Pilgram vs The World”. The movie had a unique and interesting premise, plus the movie itself was by far one of the more unique movies that have been released in 2010. Why exactly did the movie fail, well first of all the movie aims to please comic books fans and movie geeks like myself more then it attempts to serve as a mainstream movie. When you market a movie to a core audience then chances are you are likely to flop a little. I would not say like others that Michael Cera is not capable of opening a major summer blockbuster; I would say it was just not the right movie for the general public. The general public were more concerned with watching Stallone still attempt to become an actor.
There were also some indie films which hardly saw too much attention at all. I have yet to see some of them but I took the time the other day to watch the Ben Stiller movie “Greenburg”. Ben Stiller to this date is one actor that I almost can not stand to watch any movie that he is a part of. With that being said I actually really enjoyed watching “Greenburg”. In fact the role portrayed by Stiller in this movie reminded me that once and a while actors like Stiller can surprise and pick up a worth while role for themselves. Stiller in Greenburg reminded me a lot of when Adam Sandler took on roles in movies such as “Punch Drunk Love” and “Spanglish”. That being said movies with any form of substance never seem to hold their head above water in a market crowded by simple minded movies.
A Rundown Of What Made Money In 2010
Well you are likely wondering to yourself which movies did land some large numbers and you may also wonder if you have not already seen them if they are worth your time and money to see them when they make their way to DVD and Blu-Ray. This list here is as follows:
10. Salt $113.3 Million – The movie stars Angelina Jolie and managed to garner some mixed reviews from critics and movie fans alike. I have heard some great things and also been told some bad things about this particular movie. I have not yet taken the time to watch this movie and I would have to admit that it is not on my list of movies that I am dying to see. I will take the time to watch this one in time, but as of yet I am unable to report on whether or not this is worth the time.
9.The Last Airbender $130.6 Million – The latest from director M. Night Shymalan was reviewed as one of the worst movies of 2010 summer season. I have enjoyed and defended the directing ability of M. Night Shymalan now for years, but yet I stayed clear of this movie simply because the reviews kept me from spending the excess amount on this particular movie. I will get around to seeing this eventually, but for what it is worth I have been told this is not a movie that is worth your time to even bother with.
8.Grown Ups $159.4 Million – Adam Sandler made his return to the comedy big screen this summer with a movie that contained absolutely no laughs at all. In fact the only thing that was remotely funny about Grown Ups was that someone green lighted what will go down in my humble opinion as one of the worst comedies I have ever had to suffer through. The talent in this movie you would think could draw at least a laugh or two, and yet I found myself disgusted and frustrated as I watched this movie. Sandler needs to have someone tell him that tasteless jokes and slapstick comedy do not always make for a good movie.
7.The Karate Kid $175.9 Million – As the remake fad continues in Hollywood we found ourselves positioned with having to accept Will Smith’s very annoying son as the lead role in a movie that I truly do not understand the purpose for remaking. The original Karate Kid was fun, comical, and worth the time. The new Karate Kid while not nearly as bad as I would have expected still did not manage to do anything to make me really enjoy it. I will give many props to Jackie Chan for his role in the movie which is what I feel saved this particular movie from total and utter failure. I want for Will and Jada Smith to tell young Jayden that acting like a 10 year old version of your fathers Fresh Prince character will not make audiences enjoy your acting ability at all.
6.Despicable Me $236.3 Million – Well here is a movie that I wish I could say that I got around to seeing as I have heard so many great things about it. This movie not only managed to get some fantastic critical acclaim, but again it proved that well thought out cartoons tend to be more entertaining then the majority of live action movies that crawl their way to the big screen these days. Despicable Me will be at the top of my list of movies yet to see this year.
5.Shrek Forever After $238.1 Million – Now here is the perfect example of when and how cartoon movies do not work. Shrek Forever After is by far the worst of the Shrek movies, and that is a sad title to hold seen as past the first Shrek movie they really did not have a leg to stand on. When will Mike Myers learn that people eventually will get sick of your boring repeat characters. Yes Mike you can be a funny man, but now e do not need anymore Shrek movies, or Austin Powers movies, or Wayne’s World movies, or well I hope to god that he never makes a follow up to the Love Guru. Mike Myers it is time to find yourself an all new role to take on and quick. Shrek Forever After plumits what was once a unique film into the realm of “WHAT WERE THEY THINKING”
4.Inception $270.5 Million – It goes without saying that when you mix Christopher Nolan and say anyone with acting talent then you are bound for greatness. Inception was in my opinion the best movie of the summer and at this point is the best movie of 2010. Leonardo Dicaprio is a lead man that draws a crowd, and well simply put he is worth the money spent. Leo has come a long way since his debut on the big screen, but he continues to deliver magnificent roles that we continue to love to watch. Inception was brilliant on so many levels and if you still are having trouble figuring out what was going on in the movie then please refer to another post of mine Christopher Nolan Think Therefor He Is…Brilliant! which I had posted over at Rankography Movies.
3.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse $298.0 Million – Sadly enough I have seen all the movies in this series. My girlfriend Shaunna enjoys watching these movies and so together we have seen all three of them. While the third installment of this horrible series was probably the best of the three, it really does not say too much. The Twilight series is about as interesting as slow drying paint on the walls. The acting is terrible, the directing is equally as bad, and the scripts well I almost wonder if they actually had scripts or whether they just allowed these actors to ramble on their psycho-babble. Eclipse does not deserve to have ever made its way in to a top ten list of any sorts, unless it is the top ten list of movie sequels that are bad and yet still outshine the other dribble in their series of movies. The Twilight Saga needs to be introduced to Garlic, Holy Water, and a Stake To The Heart so that we can finally put this melodramatic teen franchise of glittery Vampire to rest once and for all.
2.Iron Man 2 $312.1 Million – A movie that was not quite as good as the original but yet managed to keep itself just interesting enough to hold its own. I was impressed by the direction of the movie which chose once again not to go down the same road as many Superhero sequels and make an attempt to contain more story then what would be expected from a movie such as this. Iron Man 2 also held its own with a cast that makes it worth the while, plus Robert Downey Jr. is pretty much box office gold at the moment.
1.Toy Story 3 $405.7 Million – If it were not for Inception I would consider Toy Story 3 to be the best movie of 2010 so far. The third installment of the series from Pixar Animation was a strong entry and amazed audiences worldwide. The team at Pixar should be proud of their continued ability to produce superior movies. It is not often that a film company does everything right for this many years. Hopefully the trend of originality and unique movie making continues for Pixar over the year.
The Future of Movies In 2010
Now that the summer is officially over it is time to start looking to the dramatic and Oscar worth movies to start making their way to the big screen soon. Hopefully for the sake of movie geeks like myself the best of 2010 is yet to come. This time last year I could name you a list of ten movies from 2009 that I enjoyed and would recommend, this year I am having trouble even outing together a top 5 list.
It will be a year to forget when it comes to movies unless something comes along soon to save us from this horrible dry spell. I am anxiously awaiting the fall/winter season to see if we can still yet get a list of movies that is worth our time and money.
In a movie season that was dry and boring I could only imagine that even a documentary about my mindless rants would come across as a more award winning feature this year. Ladies and gentlemen then Academy goes to “Good Job Rob!”
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I-Blog For I-Mac and Mac In General
I-Blog for I-Mac
It has become a world consumed by the Apple Corporation and every single invention that they come up with. You might own an I-Pod, I-Mac, Macbook, or even the all new I-Pad. It never seems to matter what the product is, if Apple make it then the world seems to want it. It almost seems that in a day and age where the average technology geek has lost all interest in the Microsoft offering and has now turned all their focus and attention the way of Apple.
Mac computers are nothing new however and have actually been slightly nipping at the heals of Microsoft for quite a few years, it just took a long time for them to get themselves on the market. It seems like what it truly took was for Mac Computers to not only offering a superior and cool system to sell, but they needed to create a wonderfully designed operating system. Along comes Mac’s very OS X which to anyone out there who has had a chance to use will know that it outshines any operating system that Microsoft has ever and will ever be able to create.
Why Use Os-X?
Once you have had a chance to use OS-X you will then change this question to why not use OS-X? OS-X is a sleek and easy to use operating system. One of the best parts of OS-X is it is specifically designed for the Mac line of systems. Unlike Microsoft Windows that need to develop their software for multiple systems that are constantly changing, OS-X is designed to operate on Mac’s line of systems which actually do not change a whole lot for quite some time.
What to Consider
If you are considering the possible purchase of a Mac computer then you are already on your way to a whole line of different software that makes Mac computers and OS-X so superior to other systems. Take for example if you are in the market of video editing. I myself have done quite a bit of editing, for an example of my work feel free to look me up on You Tube just type a search for username SombreRob and you will find various videos that I have filmed and edited. This is not the only work I have done, in fact I have also done video work for Weddings, Sporting Events, Concerts, Memorial Services, Graduations, etc. I have spent the good portion of over ten years doing work with video editing and so I have had a chance to use different video editing software for PC and for Mac.
I am not going to be one to say that PC’s do not have strong editing software, I was actually very fond of Avid editing software when I was using it at the start of my video career, however once I got put on to a Mac computer to attempt editing I realized the vast diversity and ease of use that the software that Mac has to offer. There are two primary editing software programs that Mac has to offer. The first one would be I-Movie which is the lower end software that they offer. I-Movie is fantastic if you are just starting out with video editing, just want an easy to use program for home movies, or just have a small project to edit that does not require a whole lot of depth and diversity to it. I-Movie is easy to discover for anyone out there and I would highly recommend anyone out there that wishes to jazz up their home movie collection spend some time with it and learn the ins and outs of what it is capable of doing.
The other offering from Mac when it comes to video editing software is their Final Cut software. Now Final Cut is video editing software that contends with PC’s big boys Avid and are slowly becoming one of the more used software’s for video editing. The depth and capabilities of Final Cut or more specifically Final Cut Pro are incredible to say the least. You can easily begin to make very professional looking videos with multiple layers of depth to them quite easily and comfortably when you learn how to use Final Cut. Final Cut is a program that everyone who has an interest in video editing should get themselves familiar with. It would be of great benefit to those who wish to really take a run at a career in video editing or making videos in general. Final Cut is the program to use even if you are a user of Avid editing software, make the switch to Final Cut and I personally promise that you will not be left disappointed.
What Else Can Mac Do For Me?
Well I could sit here and list many of the different features and software that Mac has to offer, in fact the sky is the limit in the long haul. Whether you wish to dip in to the world of video editing, or you want to get involved with mixing and programming music, or you take your career in photography quite seriously, or simply you just want a Mac because they far outshine a PC then I would suggest making the decision today to go and get yourself one.
Mac’s offering is one of the best and with very good reason. The next time you see someone walking around with their I-Phone, or I-Pod, I-Pod Touch, Macbook, I-Pad, then you will know now that more and more the Mac computer generation has emerged and you need to make the decision whether to stay on the side of Bill Gates and his ever failing Windows products, or whether you wish to invest your money wisely in to the wonderfully designed Mac offering.
I can tell you this now, then when you are sitting down at your computer desk and you turn on your brand new Mac computer then you will look at the screen and think of this article, when you think of this article I know in the back of your mind you will be saying to yourself “Good Job Rob!”
It has become a world consumed by the Apple Corporation and every single invention that they come up with. You might own an I-Pod, I-Mac, Macbook, or even the all new I-Pad. It never seems to matter what the product is, if Apple make it then the world seems to want it. It almost seems that in a day and age where the average technology geek has lost all interest in the Microsoft offering and has now turned all their focus and attention the way of Apple.
Mac computers are nothing new however and have actually been slightly nipping at the heals of Microsoft for quite a few years, it just took a long time for them to get themselves on the market. It seems like what it truly took was for Mac Computers to not only offering a superior and cool system to sell, but they needed to create a wonderfully designed operating system. Along comes Mac’s very OS X which to anyone out there who has had a chance to use will know that it outshines any operating system that Microsoft has ever and will ever be able to create.
Why Use Os-X?
Once you have had a chance to use OS-X you will then change this question to why not use OS-X? OS-X is a sleek and easy to use operating system. One of the best parts of OS-X is it is specifically designed for the Mac line of systems. Unlike Microsoft Windows that need to develop their software for multiple systems that are constantly changing, OS-X is designed to operate on Mac’s line of systems which actually do not change a whole lot for quite some time.
What to Consider
If you are considering the possible purchase of a Mac computer then you are already on your way to a whole line of different software that makes Mac computers and OS-X so superior to other systems. Take for example if you are in the market of video editing. I myself have done quite a bit of editing, for an example of my work feel free to look me up on You Tube just type a search for username SombreRob and you will find various videos that I have filmed and edited. This is not the only work I have done, in fact I have also done video work for Weddings, Sporting Events, Concerts, Memorial Services, Graduations, etc. I have spent the good portion of over ten years doing work with video editing and so I have had a chance to use different video editing software for PC and for Mac.
I am not going to be one to say that PC’s do not have strong editing software, I was actually very fond of Avid editing software when I was using it at the start of my video career, however once I got put on to a Mac computer to attempt editing I realized the vast diversity and ease of use that the software that Mac has to offer. There are two primary editing software programs that Mac has to offer. The first one would be I-Movie which is the lower end software that they offer. I-Movie is fantastic if you are just starting out with video editing, just want an easy to use program for home movies, or just have a small project to edit that does not require a whole lot of depth and diversity to it. I-Movie is easy to discover for anyone out there and I would highly recommend anyone out there that wishes to jazz up their home movie collection spend some time with it and learn the ins and outs of what it is capable of doing.
The other offering from Mac when it comes to video editing software is their Final Cut software. Now Final Cut is video editing software that contends with PC’s big boys Avid and are slowly becoming one of the more used software’s for video editing. The depth and capabilities of Final Cut or more specifically Final Cut Pro are incredible to say the least. You can easily begin to make very professional looking videos with multiple layers of depth to them quite easily and comfortably when you learn how to use Final Cut. Final Cut is a program that everyone who has an interest in video editing should get themselves familiar with. It would be of great benefit to those who wish to really take a run at a career in video editing or making videos in general. Final Cut is the program to use even if you are a user of Avid editing software, make the switch to Final Cut and I personally promise that you will not be left disappointed.
What Else Can Mac Do For Me?
Well I could sit here and list many of the different features and software that Mac has to offer, in fact the sky is the limit in the long haul. Whether you wish to dip in to the world of video editing, or you want to get involved with mixing and programming music, or you take your career in photography quite seriously, or simply you just want a Mac because they far outshine a PC then I would suggest making the decision today to go and get yourself one.
Mac’s offering is one of the best and with very good reason. The next time you see someone walking around with their I-Phone, or I-Pod, I-Pod Touch, Macbook, I-Pad, then you will know now that more and more the Mac computer generation has emerged and you need to make the decision whether to stay on the side of Bill Gates and his ever failing Windows products, or whether you wish to invest your money wisely in to the wonderfully designed Mac offering.
I can tell you this now, then when you are sitting down at your computer desk and you turn on your brand new Mac computer then you will look at the screen and think of this article, when you think of this article I know in the back of your mind you will be saying to yourself “Good Job Rob!”

Monday, August 30, 2010
You + Me & Rankography Movies Make 3
You + Me & Rankography Make 3
It is not too often that I am going to spend my time writing an article about another website, well not a website in full. However this website is not just any old website that I have come across on the internet. A little while ago now my former website (MdotMovieMan Reviews) caught the attention of the team over at Rankography Movies. I was asked to join this unique website and at first I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it.
Rankography Movies is a web site designed for movie reviewers and movie fans to take the opportunity to rank their favorite movies under user defined categories. I joined the site and immediately came up with some new categories to rank such as:
Best Of The Bad
Political Views
It was not long after this that my addition to the Rankography Movies became more apparent. The user friendly interface of the site make it easy for reviewers to add lists of their all time favorite movies as well as add movies to the database so that as a collective the site will end up with one of the most complete, interesting, and unique movie databases on the world wide web.
The staff at the site make things that much easier and more enjoyable to the users of the site as well. I was given the privilege of being able to guest blog over at Rankography Movies website. I have managed to post about four different blogs on the site including the first post from my new website Good Job Rob. As a guest blogger I am able to get my reviews of movies and the entertainment business out to a larger base of potential readers and it helps increase the traffic to my own site.
In return for the mass amount of traffic that gets to find its way over to my site, I am doing this review to also send traffic back to Rankography Movies. When you have the opportunity to do so, please take the time to read and discover their website, become a member, or even go about telling your friend and family about the site. I think you will soon find that you will find a slight addiction to Rankography Movies, and will soon be posting about it on your very own blog or website before you know it.
Many thanks go out to the hard working staff at Rankography Movies for allowing me to not only be a member, but to also allow me to be a guest blogger on their site. I will continue to support Rankography Movies and will frequently post blogs there tat are also found on my own site as well. Please continue to read my site and theirs as well.
It may be simple to shout out my way “Good Job Rob!” but in this case I believe the Good Job shout should go out to those behind the website Rankography Movies.
It is not too often that I am going to spend my time writing an article about another website, well not a website in full. However this website is not just any old website that I have come across on the internet. A little while ago now my former website (MdotMovieMan Reviews) caught the attention of the team over at Rankography Movies. I was asked to join this unique website and at first I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it.
Rankography Movies is a web site designed for movie reviewers and movie fans to take the opportunity to rank their favorite movies under user defined categories. I joined the site and immediately came up with some new categories to rank such as:
Best Of The Bad
Political Views
It was not long after this that my addition to the Rankography Movies became more apparent. The user friendly interface of the site make it easy for reviewers to add lists of their all time favorite movies as well as add movies to the database so that as a collective the site will end up with one of the most complete, interesting, and unique movie databases on the world wide web.
The staff at the site make things that much easier and more enjoyable to the users of the site as well. I was given the privilege of being able to guest blog over at Rankography Movies website. I have managed to post about four different blogs on the site including the first post from my new website Good Job Rob. As a guest blogger I am able to get my reviews of movies and the entertainment business out to a larger base of potential readers and it helps increase the traffic to my own site.
In return for the mass amount of traffic that gets to find its way over to my site, I am doing this review to also send traffic back to Rankography Movies. When you have the opportunity to do so, please take the time to read and discover their website, become a member, or even go about telling your friend and family about the site. I think you will soon find that you will find a slight addiction to Rankography Movies, and will soon be posting about it on your very own blog or website before you know it.
Many thanks go out to the hard working staff at Rankography Movies for allowing me to not only be a member, but to also allow me to be a guest blogger on their site. I will continue to support Rankography Movies and will frequently post blogs there tat are also found on my own site as well. Please continue to read my site and theirs as well.
It may be simple to shout out my way “Good Job Rob!” but in this case I believe the Good Job shout should go out to those behind the website Rankography Movies.
Understanding Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus & You
Diabetes Mellitus which more commonly is known by everyone simply as Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar. Diabetes can occur when either the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.
What To Watch For
There are some common symptoms in which to watch for if you think that you may be inflicted with Diabetes. The first symptom to be aware of with Diabetes Mellitus is Polyuria (Frequent Urination). It is a symptom and not a direct indication that you have Diabetes Mellitus. In fact it is quite common to have Polyuria is you have a intake of foods and beverages that are high in caffeine such as Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, Hot Spicy Foods, Juices High In Acids, Alcaholic Beverages, and Protein Shakes.
Another common symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polydipsia (Increased Thirst) which also plays hand in hand with Polyuria. Please remember again that Polydipsia much like Polyuria is only a possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus and is not the disease itself.
The third known and possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polyphagia (Increased Hunger). I wish that I could claim this as my reason for eating too many delicious foods growing up, but simply put I do not suffer from Polyphagia I simply just enjoying eating. None the less some people do suffer from this symptom and if it may be a cause for concern then it is time to possibly make an appointment with your family Doctor.
The information I am providing here comes from information that can quite easily be found online the internet. Searches on Google and Wikipedia will allow anyone to read further in to the symptoms and signs of Diabetes Mellitus. It would be recommended though that if you are unsure of any of the information or want to get examined to see if you do suffer from Diabetes Mellitus then please visit your family Doctor for further information.
Types Of Diabetes
There are actually three major types of Diabetes Mellitus that you should be aware of.
Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 Diabetes results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometime combined with an absolute insulin deficiency.
Gestational Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes occurs when pregnant women who have never had Diabetes Mellitus before have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede Type 2 Diabetes.
What Can I Do?
If you have Diabetes Mellitus or think that you may have the disease then there are many products that you may be interested in taking a look at. I highly recommend having a look at ADW to browse a variety of different products that are available. Some particular products that you may find of interest include:
Bayer / Ascensia Breeze 2 Meter Kit Includes:
Ascensia Breeze 2 Blood Glucose Meter
Quick Reference Guide
User Guide
Ascensia Microlet adjustable lancing device with 5 lancets
Ascensia Clinilog Record Diary
Carrying case
Warranty Card
One Touch Ultra 100 Test Strips - 100ct
Are looking for One Touch Ultra Test Strips? Buy two boxes of 50 strips each (total 100 glucose test strips) and save money!
One Touch Ultra Blue Blood Glucose Test Strips are intended for use with OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch UltraSmart, OneTouch Ultra Mini and One Touch InDuo Blood Glucose Meters.
This Combo contains:
2 Boxes of One Touch Ultra Test Strips (100 test strips total)
Easy to Use:
The One Touch Ultra Blue glucose test strips were designed to make it easy to see when there is enough blood for an accurate reading.
Small Sample Size:
These One Touch diabetes test strips require only a small blood sample, meaning less pain when testing your glucose level.
Alternate Site Testing:
To help reduce the pain of repetitive testing on the same area, you may be able to test blood glucose levels on your forearm. This is called alternative site testing and should be cleared through your health care professional first.
Just touch the end of the One Touch Ultra Blue test strip to the blood sample; the strip will automatically draw the right amount of blood needed for an accurate reading.
5 Second Test Results:
Within 5 seconds, you will have an easy to read blood glucose test result.
These are just a couple of the many products that can be found over at ADW. The site also has much to offer in the ways of foods, books, test equipment, and everything you may need to avoid or reduce Diabetes Mellitus.
Now as with most diseases that are common in people these days Diabetes Mellitus to some degree or completely can be reduced or removed by eating the right foods, drinking the right beverages, or living a completely healthy lifestyle. It might seem silly but something as easy as the correct diet can keep a disease like Diabetes Mellitus out of your system. Mitch who is a good friend of mine runs a website called Exploring Infinity in which you will be able to find all sorts of information regarding healthy diets and healthy living. In fact one section of interest to those who may be living with or worried about getting Diabetes Mellitus is the article that Mitch did regarding his 30 Day raw Food Diet Final Report. Mitch actually took a 30 day trial of a Raw Food/Vegan Cuisine Diet. This diet if done correctly is starting to become vastly known for it’s ability to flush toxins from your body and get you on the right track for eliminating possible diseases. It would never be easy to do a full change to this type of cuisine, so it may be of interest for you to try a 30 day trial like Mitch has and see if it is something that works for you. It can then help to implement a better awareness of the foods you eat and their effects on your body.
In Conclusion
Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease that should be taken lightly at all, although Diabetes Mellitus is treatable it should never be overlooked. If you currently find yourself suffering from someone of the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus then I would highly recommend speaking to a health care proefessional to get all the answers that you seek.
I am not an expert on the subject and it is merely a point of interest for me, hence the blog about Diabetes Mellitus. If I had every answer to every question on every topic I would be more then just a simple everyday Internet Blogger, but I do my absolute best to bring awareness to the topics and subject that effect my everyday life just like they may effect yours. In response to all the wonderful things I do always remember to shout out the classic phrase “Good Job Rob!”
Diabetes Mellitus which more commonly is known by everyone simply as Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar. Diabetes can occur when either the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.
What To Watch For
There are some common symptoms in which to watch for if you think that you may be inflicted with Diabetes. The first symptom to be aware of with Diabetes Mellitus is Polyuria (Frequent Urination). It is a symptom and not a direct indication that you have Diabetes Mellitus. In fact it is quite common to have Polyuria is you have a intake of foods and beverages that are high in caffeine such as Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, Hot Spicy Foods, Juices High In Acids, Alcaholic Beverages, and Protein Shakes.
Another common symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polydipsia (Increased Thirst) which also plays hand in hand with Polyuria. Please remember again that Polydipsia much like Polyuria is only a possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus and is not the disease itself.
The third known and possible symptom of Diabetes Mellitus is Polyphagia (Increased Hunger). I wish that I could claim this as my reason for eating too many delicious foods growing up, but simply put I do not suffer from Polyphagia I simply just enjoying eating. None the less some people do suffer from this symptom and if it may be a cause for concern then it is time to possibly make an appointment with your family Doctor.
The information I am providing here comes from information that can quite easily be found online the internet. Searches on Google and Wikipedia will allow anyone to read further in to the symptoms and signs of Diabetes Mellitus. It would be recommended though that if you are unsure of any of the information or want to get examined to see if you do suffer from Diabetes Mellitus then please visit your family Doctor for further information.
Types Of Diabetes
There are actually three major types of Diabetes Mellitus that you should be aware of.
Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 Diabetes results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometime combined with an absolute insulin deficiency.
Gestational Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes occurs when pregnant women who have never had Diabetes Mellitus before have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede Type 2 Diabetes.
What Can I Do?
If you have Diabetes Mellitus or think that you may have the disease then there are many products that you may be interested in taking a look at. I highly recommend having a look at ADW to browse a variety of different products that are available. Some particular products that you may find of interest include:
Bayer / Ascensia Breeze 2 Meter Kit Includes:
Ascensia Breeze 2 Blood Glucose Meter
Quick Reference Guide
User Guide
Ascensia Microlet adjustable lancing device with 5 lancets
Ascensia Clinilog Record Diary
Carrying case
Warranty Card
One Touch Ultra 100 Test Strips - 100ct
Are looking for One Touch Ultra Test Strips? Buy two boxes of 50 strips each (total 100 glucose test strips) and save money!
One Touch Ultra Blue Blood Glucose Test Strips are intended for use with OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch Ultra, OneTouch UltraSmart, OneTouch Ultra Mini and One Touch InDuo Blood Glucose Meters.
This Combo contains:
2 Boxes of One Touch Ultra Test Strips (100 test strips total)
Easy to Use:
The One Touch Ultra Blue glucose test strips were designed to make it easy to see when there is enough blood for an accurate reading.
Small Sample Size:
These One Touch diabetes test strips require only a small blood sample, meaning less pain when testing your glucose level.
Alternate Site Testing:
To help reduce the pain of repetitive testing on the same area, you may be able to test blood glucose levels on your forearm. This is called alternative site testing and should be cleared through your health care professional first.
Just touch the end of the One Touch Ultra Blue test strip to the blood sample; the strip will automatically draw the right amount of blood needed for an accurate reading.
5 Second Test Results:
Within 5 seconds, you will have an easy to read blood glucose test result.
These are just a couple of the many products that can be found over at ADW. The site also has much to offer in the ways of foods, books, test equipment, and everything you may need to avoid or reduce Diabetes Mellitus.
Now as with most diseases that are common in people these days Diabetes Mellitus to some degree or completely can be reduced or removed by eating the right foods, drinking the right beverages, or living a completely healthy lifestyle. It might seem silly but something as easy as the correct diet can keep a disease like Diabetes Mellitus out of your system. Mitch who is a good friend of mine runs a website called Exploring Infinity in which you will be able to find all sorts of information regarding healthy diets and healthy living. In fact one section of interest to those who may be living with or worried about getting Diabetes Mellitus is the article that Mitch did regarding his 30 Day raw Food Diet Final Report. Mitch actually took a 30 day trial of a Raw Food/Vegan Cuisine Diet. This diet if done correctly is starting to become vastly known for it’s ability to flush toxins from your body and get you on the right track for eliminating possible diseases. It would never be easy to do a full change to this type of cuisine, so it may be of interest for you to try a 30 day trial like Mitch has and see if it is something that works for you. It can then help to implement a better awareness of the foods you eat and their effects on your body.
In Conclusion
Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease that should be taken lightly at all, although Diabetes Mellitus is treatable it should never be overlooked. If you currently find yourself suffering from someone of the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus then I would highly recommend speaking to a health care proefessional to get all the answers that you seek.
I am not an expert on the subject and it is merely a point of interest for me, hence the blog about Diabetes Mellitus. If I had every answer to every question on every topic I would be more then just a simple everyday Internet Blogger, but I do my absolute best to bring awareness to the topics and subject that effect my everyday life just like they may effect yours. In response to all the wonderful things I do always remember to shout out the classic phrase “Good Job Rob!”

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